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Reading Lists (Leganto) - Course Reserves

Learn about the Reading List tool, how it integrates with Brightspace, and how you can create your own.

Statement on Publishers

Despite the libraries' commitment to affordability and accessibility, there are some publishers that will not allow us to purchase an e-textbook version of their publications.

Finding Resources for Classes

We can offer assistance and guidance to make course materials available to your classes. 

  • The textbook and other course materials you choose for your classes will determine the degree of access we can provide for your students. Publishers often do not make material available for licensing by libraries, or they carry restrictions. 
  • We are willing to purchase a title if it is available electronically without user limits, this will help students with the increasing costs of textbooks.
  • By using open-access and library licensed materials, you can provide equitable and affordable access for students. To find Open Access Materials, you can work with your subject specialist
  • You can also check out our OER library guide 

Electronic Items

Library Owned Titles

Electronic Books 

Any electronic title that the library has access to can be added to the library reading list. Some titles do limit the number of students so if you want to make sure all your students will be able to access the item, you can email us with any questions at

Physical Books

Physical books can be placed on reserve at all libraries except Hicks Undergraduate Library. These titles can be displayed in the Library Reading List. We can also see if the electronic book is available for purchase if you would prefer that for your class(es).

Purchase Requests

If you want us to purchase a book for your class, please send us an email at with the course code and the instructor's name and the title, author, edition, and ISBN 

Personal Copies

We do allow instructors to place their personal copies on course reserves. Please keep in mind that if the book gets lost or stolen, libraries will not be able to replace the item. We are always willing to try to purchase an electronic or physical copy for your course. You can send any requests to


Library Owned Titles

Electronic Articles

You are able to link the electronic article to your library reading list. Please view step 2c: Add electronic catalog items to see how that is done.

Physical Articles

If we do not have access to the electronic journal article, you can have the physical title scanned and then you can upload it to your Library Reading List in Brightspace. For instructions on how to request the article and upload it, please see steps 2g: Request copies from Interlibrary Loan and 2h: Add scanned PDFs to your reading lists

Personal Scans

If you wish to upload your personal scan, please make sure that it is in compliance with copyright law and make sure it is accessible for all students. 



Purdue Libraries has access to a few different streaming services. More information about the streaming services can be found on the Streaming Video Libguide

Kanopy videos have a 1-year license and the videos will have to be renewed every year. If you see a video on Kanopy that you would like for your class, please email and we can purchase that film for you.

We have also licensed films directly from the production company. We can work with you to see if that is a possibility. If that is something that you are interested, send us an email at


If the film isn't available as a streaming option, then libraries can purchase the DVD if we don't already have it and place it on physical reserves at the HSSE Library. The HSSE Library has computers with DVD drives, multiple DVD players, and two media viewing rooms.