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Reading Lists (Leganto) - Course Reserves

Learn about the Reading List tool, how it integrates with Brightspace, and how you can create your own.

Add Collaborators

Send an Email

How to add a collaborator to your reading list. If you are an instructor and you want to add a library faculty or staff member to your reading list, you can do that within your library reading list

screenshot of Library Reading List highlighting collaborators link

Locate the Collaborators list and click the word collaborator

screenshot of collaborators section

You will be able to see all the collaborators and there will be a Manage Collaborators link

Click Manage collaborators

screenshot of Manage collaborators section

In the search bar you can type the name or email of a person you would like to add. If their name does not appear in the list below then email

Click their name and click Send Invitation

screenshot of send invitation

The individual will receive an email with the link to the reading list.

Autogenerated email indicating that you have been added as a collaborator for a reading list

When they click the link, they will be prompted to sign in with their Purdue Login to access the Library Reading Lists. 

Modify Collaborators

You can modify what type of access your collaborators have within the Library Reading Lists.

Click Collaborators and then Manage Collaborators

manage collaborators link

You will see the list of collaborators. Next to their name should be a small drop-down box.

You can select Can Edit List or Can Manage List

screenshot of collaborator roles

If you select Can Edit List Only, the individual will only be able to add or delete citations. they will not be allowed to add other people to collaborate. 

If you select Can Manage List, they will be allowed to add or delete citations and add, modify, or remove other collaborators.