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Reading Lists (Leganto) - Course Reserves

Learn about the Reading List tool, how it integrates with Brightspace, and how you can create your own.

Turning on Social Annotations

After you follow the steps on How to upload a PDF, you can turn on public annotations by clicking the citation PDF citation in reading list

Once you click on the citation, the more information page will slide out and you can click on the Public Annotation and toggle it On

toggle on public annotations

Using Social Annotations

To use social annotations, you will click View PDF on your citation

View PDF

This will open the PDF in a new window

PDF viewer

You can use the toolbar to highlight, comment, and create shapes

public annotations tool bar

You can also highlight a sentence by clicking and dragging with your mouse to create comments or highlight the statement

create comments and highlight by clicking and dragging your mouse

If you wish to comment, click the speech bubble, and then the space to type comments will slide out 

Space to type comments slides out on the side of the screen

The comment space allows you to post private and public comments. The public comments will be seen by everyone who has access to the reading list (students and instructors) and it will allow them to reply to your comment.

Comment box with public and private toggles

Once you click Public and Save, students and instructors can reply to your comment

instructor reply shown directly below the student's comment connected by a dotted line

You can edit comments that you made by clicking the three dots (options menu) in your comment box. You can edit or delete your comment. If no one has replied yet, you can switch the comment to private.

The options menu in your comment box allows you to change the privacy level, edit, and delete comments