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Streaming Video Collections

A tutorial on how to use streaming video collections. Information on linking, clips, playlists, and accessibility.


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Each video has a persistent link and an embed code. 

To link to videos:

  • Identify a video in a Academic Video Online Premium database.
  • Click on the "Embed/Link" icon at the bottom of the video playback display
  • A new window will open displaying a persistent URL and an embed code for the video
    • Example: Persistent Link
    • Example:  Embed Link
      <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="470" height="390"></iframe>
  • Copy the persistent link/code to use in Brightspace or other course management system tools for creating content


To embed in Brightspace:

  • Select Content
  • Click and hold on Build Content to select "Create" / "Item"
  • Enter your selected Name
  • Click on "HTML" in the Tool Icons displayed for the Text box.  The HTML code view dialogue box will open.
  • Paste in the embed link copied earlier
  • Click "Update"
  • Click "Submit" on the Create Item page

The title of the video along with production details and running time will automatically be included above the video window in Brightspace

Clips and Bookmarks

The platform offers two types of clip functionality, which you can use depending on your needs. Both require you to log in as a registered user before saving.

  • A clip is a small section of a video, album, or image which can be used to highlight a specific portion of the content. Clips are highly configurable. You can choose what to call your clip, how long to make it, and who to share it with in the clip making tool. More details on creating clips can be found on the Making Clips webpage of the Alexander Street website.
  • A bookmark is a quick way of marking your place in a video or album (like a bookmark in a book). When you create a bookmark, you are creating a clip with a starting point at your bookmark position and an end point at the end of the video. When you click the bookmark icon in the player, you'll see a message pop up confirming your bookmark has been saved with a default Bookmark name. You can then choose to modify your bookmark like any other clip, either when you create it or at a later date. You'll be able to access it via the Clips link in the main menu or on the video page.

Sharing Playlists and Citations

You must be signed in to share content from ASP's products, and links you post to content may not work for those who are not product subscribers. You can sign in using the link at the top right of any page to sign in.

You can use the checkbox beside any item on a search results page or player page to select it. The item will appear highlighted, and you can now add it to a playlist or citation list.

You can view your selected items by clicking the “Cite” link below the header on any page. This will take you to a list of your selected items. On this page, you have access to many options for saving or sharing your list of selected items in a variety of formats.

  • Format - Format your list to a standard expected by your institution or professor. Options include: APA, Harvard, Chicago, and MLA 6 and 7. You can also leave your list in the brief display format used by ASP products.
  • Export - Export your list to a number of popular citation storage sites and programs, including: [links to sites with info]
  • Email - Email your list to yourself, your classmates, or anyone else interested in the fruits of your research. You can also add descriptive text.
  • Save - Save your list as a pdf for later use.
  • Print - Print your list in a printer-friendly format.
  • Share - Share a link to your list on Facebook, Twitter, or many other sites with a brief description.
  • Add to playlist - add your selected items to a new or existing playlist. (See playlists [link] for details of playlist creation and editing.)



The transcript is synchronized with the video and will highlight text spoken as the video plays. It will also by default scroll along with the video. To turn off this feature, simply move your mouse into the transcript area and your mouse movements will override the normal scrolling. At any time, you may also click a section within the transcript to skip forward or back within the corresponding video.

example of video with transcript panel open


Some performing arts videos have multilingual subtitles that can be selected by clicking the CC icon in the toolbar beneath the player window. Where only one language is available, clicking this icon will turn the subtitles on or off. Where multiple languages are available, clicking this icon will bring up a menu of available languages. Outside of the performing arts collections, most non-English videos include embedded English subtitles, which cannot be turned off.

Link and Embed Best Practices

Alexander Street video and audio content can be integrated into Web pages and learning management systems in two ways: links or embeds. Both are provided for video and audio content, playlists, and clips in all Alexander Street collections. “Look for the following symbol below throughout the Alexander Street new interface for items this feature is available for:

<> followed by the words "Embed Link"

Using a link will provide a permanent digital pathway to a specific video, audio album or work, part of a video, audio track, playlist, or clip. Using an embed will generate Java-based code that can be used to add a full-featured Flash-based player directly into any Web page. As with links, embeds can be used for videos, parts of videos, albums, audio tracks, playlists, or clips.

Tips for Links

When linking to content, please be sure to either copy and paste the URL in the text of the popup screen. Do not use the URL displayed in your Web browser's address bar. If you are copying a link into a learning management system, insert it as plain text and not as a Web link, and be sure not to add any spaces to the inserted text.

permalink window showing the link that should be copied


Tips for Embeds

When embedding content, please be sure to either copy and paste the complete text of the embed code in the popup screen. You can check by verifying that the code starts with “<script” or “<iframe” and ends with “/script>” or “/iframe>”. This embed code should be used only in webpages. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, email clients, and other desktop software do not support this code. Depending on the Web editor you are using, you may need to use the “source code” option for inputting embed codes, as plain text may not be supported. For more information about using iframes, visit the w3schools iframe page.

example embed code