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Reading Lists (Leganto) - Course Reserves

Learn about the Reading List tool, how it integrates with Brightspace, and how you can create your own.

1b: Create a reading list

These instructions will help you set up your reading list so that you can start adding your citations.

Locate your Library Reading List in Brightspace

Click the Library Reading List module in your Brightspace course (yours may be named something different than the example below), then click the external link, PWL - Library Reading List.

The introduction screen will appear.

Setup your Reading List

Scroll down and click the Create It button.

The title can remain the same or you can change it if you would like. The description can be left blank or you can add a description. This information can be edited at any time. Your students will see this information.

Next Steps

Click Create to move on to the next step: Select a Template.