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Reading Lists (Leganto) - Course Reserves

Learn about the Reading List tool, how it integrates with Brightspace, and how you can create your own.

Course Reserves Questions

Find your course reserves by searching our library catalog under course reserves. If you need help, please email

Locating the Reading List

To find the library reading list for your course, you will need to log into your Brightspace class. Once you are in the class, you should look for a link or a module titled Library Reading List, course readings, WL- LIbrary Reading Lists, or something similar to those terms.

Once you find it, you can click on the link it will take you to the Library Reading List. 

The Layout of the Reading List

The reading list will look very similar to other reading lists for other courses. 

Top Bar

The top bar of the reading list will have multiple icons.

 The angle bracket (less than symbol) will take you to all your reading lists for all your courses. You may only see one reading list there. To get back to the list, you will click the list you want to return to.

 The hamburger icon (three lines) will give you options to go to all of your reading lists, your collections, and to find a list (all public lists and lists for classes you were previously enrolled in). If you can't find an old list that is probably because it was deactivated or you no longer have access.

 The Purdue Libraries logo will also take you back to the list of reading lists.

 The box with an arrow in it will allow the reading list to be opened in a new tab and not embedded within Brightspace.

 The link icon will show a drop-down option of three helpful links: Course Reserves Website, Library Reading List Research Guide, and the Library Catalog

 The User Menu will be your initials and it will have links to the cite it tool, accessibility menu, the help menu, and the logout button

Reading List Information

The Reading List information will be below the top bar of the page.

This will include the reading list name, information about the course, and the semester. When you expand the more information option it may include a description of the list, the last time the list was updated, the number of items and sections

Reading List Options

The reading list options are located in the same area as the Reading List info. When you click the three dots, it will give you options to create a shareable link, export the list, print or remove from my lists.

The shareable link will only work for other students in your class.

The export list will give you different ways to export the citations from the reading list.

The print option will allow you to print the reading list.

Advanced Options

The icons below the Reading List information are ways to search and view the citations in the reading list.

Toggle Section View

The toggle section view option collapses and expands the sections of the reading list


The refresh option will refresh the page 


Filter List

The filter option will allow you to filter the citations by section, tags, type, or other


Compact View

The compact view will hide and unhide the citation information and make the citation image smaller so you can see more items on the screen

Search List

The search option will allow you to search the list

How to Access the Citation

Your instructor may have listed your materials in a few different ways such as by week, topic, or recommendation level. You can use the advanced options to search, filter, and minimize the citations.

You will need to locate the citation. If it's a print book, you will be able to see the location of the book in the Purdue Libraries. If it's an electronic book, you will be able to see the View online link to read the book online. Some books may only have the print book option and some books may only have the ebook option.

If you click on the citation, it will give you more information. In this example, you can see the there is only one ebook option. Sometimes there are multiple so if one link doesn't work, you can try the next link in the list. The print book is available to request and located on the shelf in WALC. You can request the book by clicking the Request link.

If the citation is a book chapter or article, you may be able to download or read online.

If you click on this citation and the expanded option pops out, you will see that there are many options available. You can download the PDF or read online.

Some citations were uploaded by your instructor and may give you the option to download or view PDF.

Some other citations might be links to a blog, a website, a video, or another type of online resource. The best way to identify what type of citation is to look at the icon or the citation type.

If you don't see a way to view online or download, you may want to look at the tags or notes. The tags may identify if it is something you need to purchase or find at another library or Interlibrary loan. If that doesn't help you, please reach out to your instructor or

Mark Items as Read

Add a Private Note

My Collections

Private and Social Annotations

You can annotate PDFs within the Library Reading Lists. If you click View PDF, you can read the document in a new tab and it will allow you to highlight and annotate right in the document.