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Reading Lists (Leganto) - Course Reserves

Contains step by step instructions on how to create a reading list using Leganto.

2g: Request copies from Interlibrary Loan

If you are wanting an article or chapter that Purdue Libraries does not have access to because it's not available electronically or the physical copy is currently checked out then you can request the material through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). The scans MUST follow copyright - see the copyright tab for more information.

Request item through ILL

You will need to log into ILL to place your request

Go to New Request

Choose PDF Article/Chapter request

Fill out the form and Submit Request

You will then see your request in the outstanding request box on the main page

You will receive an email from when your items is available for download

Download File

You will log into your ILL account and you will see your article on the main menu under Electronically Received Articles. You can click View.

When the chapter opens in your browser, select download to save the file.

Next Steps

Follow the instructions on how to Add Scanned PDFs to Your Reading List