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Reading Lists (Leganto) - Course Reserves

Contains step by step instructions on how to create a reading list using Leganto.

2e: Purchase requests for print items

Request Electronic version of Purdue Owned Print Title

If you find an item where the library has a physical copy, but you would like an electronic version of the book, you can place a request through the Library Reading List.

Search for the item and once you locate it, you can add it to a section. If we do not have an electronic copy, you will need to edit the item and add the purchase request tag.

Add the item to the reading list and click the edit icon

edit item icon

The edit item screen will slide out and you will want to find the Item Actions tab

Then you will find the add tags section

add a tag section

Click on the line below Add Tag and select Purchase Request

add tag options

This will add the purchase request tag to the item and let library staff know you want the ebook ordered.

Purchase request tag on citation

Next Steps

If an electronic copy of the book is found, Libraries staff will add the linking information to the item and the status will be changed to Complete. If an electronic copy of the book cannot be found, Libraries staff will inform you.