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Reading Lists (Leganto) - Course Reserves

Contains step by step instructions on how to create a reading list using Leganto.

Roll over reading list for a new semester

Add a Module to the New Course

Go into your new course in Brightspace and add the reading list module (check out section 1a for a refresher).

Roll Over List or Add Reading List to Multiple Sections

When you click the PWL-Reading Lists link after adding the module, there should be an option to Create list from an existing list.

Intro screen for new reading list

A list will appear with every reading list that you have created or been listed as an instructor

List of reading lists

You can search, sort, or filter the list

Search, sort, and filter options in list of reading lists

To search, you can search by list title, course title, course code, or course instructor

search option in the list of readings lists

To sort, you can sort by date created (ascending and descending), last updated, list title (A-Z), and course year (descending).

Sort options in the list of reading lists

To filter, you can filter by course status: active and inactive; publication status: published, draft, archived, deleted; and list type:sample list.

filter options in the list of reading lists


Once you find the reading list you would like to roll over, you have the option to: Link course to this list or Duplicate list


link or duplicate list options

Selecting Link course to this list would cause any changes that are made in the new list to also change in the old list.  

Duplicating the list would copy the old list. If any changes are made to the new list, they will not be reflected in the old list.

Why you might choose one option over the other? If you have multiple sections and you want the changes made to one list to be reflected in all the lists you would choose link course to this list. If you have multiple sections and you want to make changes in one list but not the others or if you want the analytics for each section to be separate from other sections you would choose duplicate list.

Link Course to List

Click link course to this list and select OK.

Link to this list confirmation screen

Your list will then appear in your Brightspace course.

Duplicate List

Click Duplicate list. 

Duplicate list confirmation screen

You will want to confirm that the list name is correct. Your students will be able to see the name of the list so be sure to make it easily identifiable for them. You can also add a description if you would like. It will ask if you want shareable links to direct to this list. You can keep that as yes.

You can also click advanced settings. You can select what information you would like to keep from the old list to the new list. If your due date will be the same (same days, different sections) you can click yes, 

Item Statuses

You will want to scroll down to reading list statuses, check the boxes of all three, and change the options to copy for copyright status and reading list status.

statuses of items in reading lists options

You can then scroll up to the top of the screen and select Create list

Reading list create list button

You can then review your list and when you are ready, click My list is ready at the top of the screen to send your list for approval to the library.

My list is ready button

Next Steps

You can still edit the list and make any changes you would normally make to a reading list. If you duplicated the list, the changes will only be reflected in the course list you are working on. If you linked the list, your changes will be reflected in all the linked course. 

Be sure that the list either says Published or Sent to library for processing. If not, click My list is ready.