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Reading Lists (Leganto) - Course Reserves

Contains step by step instructions on how to create a reading list using Leganto.

2d: Scan requests for print items

Add Purdue Owned Print Items

Search for a print item you'd like to add to your reading list. Once you locate it, add it to a section. When you do this, a pop-up box will appear once you add the print item to a section.

select pages to scan

If you would like the Libraries to scan a chapter, please enter the page range and click Confirm.

  • Please note, you MUST assess copyright/fair use before submitting requests.
  • Libraries reserve the right to refuse any scan request for legal or administrative reasons.
  • If you need to submit multiple scan requests from the same print item (and the requests are within fair use), simply add the print item over again from the search results to a section and make a new request.

Scan chapter request in reading list

Once you click confirm, the item will be added to your reading list with a "Scan chapter" tag and it will show a status of Being Prepared. This will let the library staff know that you need the chapter scanned. The item will not be visible to students until the status is Complete and the chapter is uploaded.

Next Steps

Once you have finished creating your Reading List, you will need to publish your reading lists so your requests will be sent to the Libraries, who will scan the material for you and upload it to each citation(s).