These directions will show you how to search for items to the Library Reading List that are currently held by the Libraries.
When you want to search for items, you will click + Add. If you don’t see the + Add button, you will need to create a New Section to add items.
After clicking + Add, you can choose one of four options:
When you click Search the library, a search box will open. This is where you can search for items available through the Libraries catalog. You can choose different search options from the drop-down bar: Everything, Books & Media, etc.
You can also use the Advanced Search feature.
Once you search for an item, you will get a list of results and you can filter by type:
When you scroll down on that screen, you will see the list of results. Each result will have important information on it, for example:
All journal articles that appear in the search are only available electronically. The results will indicate if the article is open access. If you have a journal article or book chapter you need scanned from print, please see "Scan requests for print items" in this guide.
You're now ready to add items to your reading list. You can add electronic catalog items, scan requests for print items, purchase requests for print items, and items that the Libraries do not own.