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Reading Lists (Leganto) - Course Reserves

Contains step by step instructions on how to create a reading list using Leganto.

1e. Upload citation list

If you would like to upload a citation list for the library staff to work on adding, purchasing and scanning materials, you can do that through Brightspace. Follow the steps to add a module to your classroom. If you have any issues, email

Upload Citation List

When you access the reading list, you will see the main screen. You will want to select Ask your library to create your list

Upload a new list via ask your library to create a list

In the gray box, drag and drop files or click to browse for a file. The file can be a PDF or a Word document.

Upload a new file for library

Once you add a file, click Send file.

The box will confirm that your file was uploaded and sent to the library. 

Confirmation that list was sent to the library

Library staff will start working on your list and will contact you via email if you have any questions.

Next Steps

Library staff will contact you with any updates or questions. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions or issues can be sent to