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Creating a LibGuide

This guide will help you design an accessible, user-friendly LibGuide.

Publishing Your Guide

There are three options for publication status within LibGuides - unpublished, published, and private. Below are brief descriptions of each.

Status Visible to public? Included in guide list? Included in search results?
Unpublished No No


Private Yes, but only if they know the URL No No
Published Yes Yes Yes

Publishing Checklist

Before publishing your guide, please review the following, 

  • Author has reviewed Best Practices prior to creating their guide.
  • Guide name is clear, concise, and formatted properly (course guides).
  • Guide has a clear visual hierarchy and includes headings where necessary.
  • Contact information is listed on first page or otherwise cleared designated contact page.
  • Colors and fonts are standardized within guide (same size, style, and color. Only bolditalic, or underline are used to distinguish text).
  • Links of lists are limited to roughly the top 10 most important.
  • Guide has been given the appropriate Subjects assigned to it.
  • Guide has appropriate Type/Group selections.
  • Guide has been given a "friendly" URL.

When the answers to the questions above are all "yes", you're ready to publish!

To change the publication status, 

  1. While in edit mode, click on the current guide status located in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Select Change Status & Share.
  3. From the publication status drop down menu, choose a "Published."
  4. Click "Save."

Please remember to check and update your guide regularly. You can find helpful tips for guide maintenance on the Guide Maintenance section below.

Guide Maintenance

Resources, websites, and information change constantly so it's critical to perform regular guide maintenance. A few things to consider when updating your guides:

  • When was the last time you reviewed the content? 
    • Guides should be reviewed annually.
  • Are the links still relevant and working?
    • Websites change frequently so you may need to update a few URLs, or replace it entirely with a different resource. Use the built in Link Checker tool to check your links. 
    • Reminder: use the correct link type – these means:
      • If you’re adding a database from the A-Z List, you must use the Database Asset.
      • If you’re adding a website from the internet, you should be using a Link Asset – especially if it is part of a list!
      • You can add HTML hyperlinked rich text links to paragraphs, but do so sparingly as these links are much more time consuming to manage and maintain – that means more work for you!
  • Does the organizational structure and hierarchy still make sense?
    • After updating links and adding new resources, you might need to rearrange your content in a way that makes more sense for the user.
  • Consider the sources (voices, perspectives, and experiences) on your guide. Are there voices that are missing? 
    • Make sure you're providing resources from a variety of resources and diverse backgrounds so that all of your students can see themselves in your work and relate to the content as much as possible. If this isn't possible (limited references in the field), consider adding a statement acknowledging this.

Guide Maintenance Checklist

If your guide needs extensive technical updates, use the Guide Maintenance Checklist below and unpublish your guide temporarily while those changes are being made.

Steps to Archive a Guide

If a guide is no longer relevant or isn't used regularly, it may be time to retire the guide to the Archive group so that it can be permanently deleted at a later date. Before making the decision to archive, take a look at the usage stats and consider whether or not any of the content on that guide is being reused (mapped) to other guides that are still published.

Note: Guides in the Archive Group will be permanently deleted after two years.

To make sure that your guide is not deleted prematurely, please add a content box called "Archive Note" and include the date the guide was moved to that group. In theory, the "last updated" date would be sufficient, however, system-wide changes impact those dates so it is not an accurate measure of activity. 

example of archive note content box with date and note not to make any edits or change publication status

Next unpublish the guide.

To change the publication status, 

  1. While in edit mode, click on the current guide status located in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Select Change Status & Share.
  3. From the drop down menu, choose "Unpublished."
  4. Click "Save."

Finally, move the guide to the Archive Group.

To change the guide Group, 

  1. While in edit mode, select the pencil icon next to Type/Group.
  2. Choose "Archive - Old Guides (Internal)" from the Group drop down menu.
    1. You do not need to change the guide Type.
  3. Click "Save.

Q: Once a guide has been retired to the archive, is it gone permanently?

A: Retiring a guide to the archive is not the same as deleting a guide so retired guides are still available, if needed. The only difference is that they have been categorized into an archive group that is not available to the public. Until the guide is permanently deleted (after 2 years), the guide is still in our system.

Q: How does retiring a guide to the archive impact content that is reused on other guides that aren't archived?

A: Content assets (boxes, links, databases, etc.) that have been created on a retired guide that are reused on other guides are not impacted by moving a guide to the archive. However, you should consider recreating content that has been mapped from a guide in the archive because that content will be impacted (deleted) once the guide in the archive group is permanently deleted.

Do you have a question not listed here? Please email Sarah Reifel (