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Creating a LibGuide

This guide will help you design an accessible, user-friendly LibGuide.

Storage Guide/Reusable Content Library

The Storage Guide/Reusable Content Library houses content boxes already built out and ready for use. Reusing content from this guide will save you time and effort when it comes to building and maintaining guides. 

Please note: Reusing is not the same thing as copying. See section below for instructions on how to reuse content.

How to Reuse Content

From the guide you want the content to appear on:

  1. Click Add Box.
  2. Click on the Reuse Existing Box tab from the pop-up window.
  3. Next to Guide, search for the guide name.
  4. Using the Box drop-down, select the content box you'd like to reuse.
    1. If you want the content box to have a unique name on your guide, fill in the Box Name field, otherwise the content box will use the same name as the original asset.
  5. Click Save.
    1. Note: Do not select Copy, otherwise you're creating an additional asset and not reusing the one that already exists.

reuse existing tab of add new box window showing not to click on the copy checkbox


From the guide you want the content to appear on:

  1. Click the  plus sign to add a new page.
  2. Select the Reuse Existing Page tab from the pop-up window.
  3. Next to Guide, search for the guide name.
  4. Next to Page, select the page you want to reuse. 
  5. Click Save.
    1. Note: If you select Copy, the content of the page will be duplicated onto the guide but will not update if the original page is updated.

reuse existing page window showing not to click the copy checkbox