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Aviation Technology Sources

These sources are "starting places" for finding journal articles, conference papers, standards and technical reports. Many contain full-text articles for which Purdue Libraries has subscriptions or links to the library catalog.


Basic Information about Airlines

Airlines are profiled in magazine articles and the World Aerospace Database on Aviation Week Intelligence Network (AWIN). AWIN contains up-to-date news, full-text aviation magazines, World Aerospace Database, and Fleet Data. Personalized accounts and alert services can be set up with Purdue logins. Detailed results may be downloaded in Excel spreadsheets.

  • Log in with your Purdue Career Account. To locate magazine articles, organizations, and fleets, do an AWIN Quick Search. For example: "Delta Air Lines"
  • Click on the Organizations results; Choose the Parent Company link to Delta Air Lines.
  • Review tabs for profiles, especially personnel, financial, traffic, airports served, and fleets.

Statistics from Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), Bureau of Transportaiton Statistics (U.S.)


Basic Information about Aircraft

Aircraft are profiled in survey articles in the subscription database: Jane's All World's Aircraft. Results include keywords in the full-text articles. Text, tables, diagrams, and photograph are included. New content is shown in green.

  • Find the Search box. For example, type: Boeing 737
  • Browse the article(s). Unique features includes various models, physical characteristics, and a list of airlines that currently operate the aircraft or have it on order.
  • You may also review the update history of the article and review information that was available at a specific date. Information on older aircraft may not be available online.
  • Consult the printed Jane's All the World's Aircraft as needed. Copies available at the Aviation Technology Library.


Basic Information about Airports

Airport Codes (free lookup):

Statistics from Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA),  Bureau of Transportation Statistics (U.S.)

  • Airport Snapshots:  by month.  Change the default airport to the airport of your choice.  Click on "show all airports (by state)"  

Data from the National Flight Data Center, Federal Aviation Agency