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Finding and Using E-books

This guide explains how to find and use e-books.

EBSCOhost Ebooks

To access an item that is available through EBSCOhost Ebooks, you will need to search for the item in the Libraries catalog.EBSCOhost Ebooks view online option and user access note

You will see View Online: EBSCOhost Ebooks under the View It option in the online catalog. You can also see that the book has three user access in the notes field. This means that only three patrons can be using this book at the same time.

You can click the link: EBSCOhost Ebooks and the book will open in a new browser tab.

You can also search for EBSCOhost Ebooks on the EBSCOhost website.

Accessing ebooks from EBSCOhost

ebook example - table of contents


You will be able to read the book online whenever you have internet access. The book will open in your web browser and you can search, highlight, and take notes on the online book. It will require you to create an account and sign in to use some of those features.

Downloading ebooks

If you have consistent access to the internet, you don’t need to download the book. You will be able to read it online. However, if you believe you won’t have access to consistent internet, you can download the book using third-party software. You will need to open the book and then click the Full Download button which is a little arrow pointing down towards a small box icon.

EBSCO Download icon

Once you click that button, a popup will appear. You can follow the steps to download the third-party software and then you will be able to download the book. For more information about the third-party software, see the Adobe Digital Editions section of this guide. 

Downloading PDF Chapter

To download a chapter from the ebook, you can click the download icon next to each chapter listed in the contents section. 

Table of contents with chapter download option

You will need to check how many pages are allowed to be downloaded. This can be seen in the Publisher Permissions section or when you click the Download Chapter button.

publisher permissions highlighted

This book allows you to Print/E-mail/Save 100 pages. This means you can download 100 pages as a PDF. Once you exceed that 100 pages, Once you exceed that number, you will not be able to download any more pages.

Download unavailable because user has met the page limitation

Troubleshooting and Help

EBSCO has a helpful Library Guide about Ebook Central with more in-depth information on how to use the platform. 

  • If you are having trouble with your Purdue login, please contact ITaP.
  • If you are having trouble accessing a book, please go through the library catalog and clicking the available online link.
  • If you have any other issues, please submit a technical support ticket.