Orcid Synchronization Guide
Orcid allows you contribute your scholarship to Purdue’s global rankings
Creating ORCID and Affiliating Your Account with Purdue
- Create or sign-in to your ORCID profile with your email.
- First, scroll to “employment” and click the pencil icon. Identify your current organization as “Purdue University West-Lafeyette” not “Purdue University System” and set your account visibility to “Everyone”.
- For new accounts: verify your email with the link sent to you by ORCID.
- For older accounts: If you previously associated with Purdue under a different name than “Purdue university West-Lafayette” such as “Purdue University” click the “X” next to the employment record and delete. Then, re-add Purdue under “Purdue University West-Lafayette” by clicking the pencil icon and adding it in with the wizard.
Creating or Connecting Scopus Profile with ORCID
- If your “Scopus Author ID” is not connected under “Other IDs” then scroll to “Works” and select add. Click on “search & link” and select “Scopus – Elsevier” from the pop-up menu. Authorize access and complete the set-up wizard.
- If you have multiple Scopus author profiles, you can request to merge them via an author search and clicking on “merge author request” then complete the Author Feedback Wizard (your ticket may take up to seven days to complete).
- And once all that is done, you’re connected! Need more help? Check out our more detailed instructions here.
Associating Web of Science with ORCID
- Login to or Create your Web of Science Author Profile.
- In your profile, navigate to the upper right of the screen and select “My Profile” next select “Profile Settings”.
- From the pop-up menu select the option “ORCID Syncing”.
- Click on “Connect Your ORCID ID”
- Login to your profile and authorize institutional access.
- Check “on” for all three options for ORICD to synchronize between ORCID and WoS.
- Click “save changes” and you’ve done it!
- After this step, you should be able to see both your Scopus and Research ID’s in ORCID