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ORCID at Purdue

Learn about the benefits of creating an ORCID iD, how to register, and how to add to your ORCID record.

Web of Science

Web of Science provides two-way synchronization with ORCID meaning that any works added to an ORCID profile are automatically added to Web of Science profiles and article records and vice versa when you ORCID iD is connected to your Web of Science account.

For more information, see the link below.

Syncing Web of Science with ORCID

  1. Login or claim your Web of Science author profile.
  2. In your profile, navigate to the upper right of the screen and select "My Profile" next select "Profile Settings"profile settings web of science
  3. From the settings menu select the option "ORCID Syncing"                                                                                                                                           ORCID syncing
  4. Click on "Connect Your ORCID " 
  5. Login to your profile and authorize institutional access, be sure to select all three options.
  6. Click "save changes" and you've done it

After this step you should see your "Researcher ID" in your ORCID profile in two to three weeks