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ORCID at Purdue

Learn about the benefits of creating an ORCID iD, how to register, and how to add to your ORCID record.


You can easily import your Scopus profile into your ORCID record by completing the following steps.


  1. Login to or create your ORCID profile
  2. Identify your current organization "Purdue University West-Lafayette" not "Purdue University System" and set your account visibility to "everyone".create orcid id
  3. For new accounts verify your email with the link sent by ORCID.
  4. If your "Scopus Author ID" is not connected under "Other IDs" then scroll to "works" and click the "Add" menu and choose Search & link.Search & link option in the Add menu highlighted
  5. Select Scopus-Elsevier from the list of options.
  6. Complete the set-up wizard.

scopus set up wizard

       7. You'll be asked to authorize access, then identify any works you want added to your record.

       8. If you have multiple Scopus author profiles, you can request to merge them via an author searchand clicking on "merge author request

       9. Once you've completed all of these steps, you're done!


For more help with merging multiple profiles, please visit our helpful research guide available via the library website.