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NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy

The following guide provides information about the January 25, 2023 National Institutes of Health Data Management and Sharing Policy. Content includes resources and avenues to support for planning and execution of the policy throughout the grant process.

Elements of the Plan

Writing the Plan

The plan covers 6 required elements that address both data generation and use, and data stewardship and access. The NIH requests a document with a limit of 2 pages reflecting the planned approach with the assumption that it may be updated to reflect changes throughout the project process.

A large amount of resources were developed to aid in the writing process. The following are select resources from the NIH and ICOs, the Purdue campus, and data management and sharing communities with additional contact information.

Consultations and review are available for writing the plan and at any point in the planning process: contact Research data systems manager, Reid Boehm


The 6 Categories

  • Data Types
  • Tools, Software, and Code
  • Standards
  • Data Archiving and Preservation
  • Access, Distribution, and Reuse
  • Oversight for compliance


NIH Planning Resources

Writing a Data Management & Sharing Plan

(also includes Human Genomic Data Sharing information)

Templates, guides, and tools

Purdue NIH DMS Planning Template - Purdue NIH DMSP Template

Based on the required elements for the plan it contains sample text that is Purdue specific content where applicable.

DMPTool -

An online application with templates and guidance for the creation of the data management plan moving step-by-step within the interface.

As institutional members, Purdue researchers will sign on with their campus email and have direct access to Purdue specific guidance.

Quick start guide

Data Management and Sharing Plan Checklist

Created by a community working group for NIH DMSP guidance, this 2 page checklist concisely reviews the content the plan should cover.

*Note that this does not include a prompt for funding considerations

Badger, K., Calkins, H., Carr Jones, L., Grynoch, T., Koshoffer, A., LaPreze, D., May, A., Nieman, C., Otsuji, R., Phegley, L., & Ye, H. (2022). Data management and sharing plan checklist for researchers. Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance.

Example DMS Plans

A searchable webpage with catalogued sample plans

Bohman, L., Hertz, M., & Orlowska, D. (2022). Example DMS plans. Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance.

 Campus guides and general information