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NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy

The following guide provides information about the January 25, 2023 National Institutes of Health Data Management and Sharing Policy. Content includes resources and avenues to support for planning and execution of the policy throughout the grant process.


Policy Introduction

From 2023 on, extramural researchers submitting NIH grant proposals that generate scientific research data are required to include a data management and sharing plan with the proposal. The plans need to include information about project's research data and clearly state plans for sharing, access, archiving, and preservation, along with attention to protecting human subjects.

The following pages have general information about the requirements, campus resources and contacts, and links from the NIH and related sources.

Support, consultations, and training are available.

Contact Reid Boehm, Research Data Systems Manager, for more information.

Major NIH Information Resources

  • Main Policy Document: NOT-OD-21-013

Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing

  • Central NIH website for detailed information and resources

NIH Data Management and Sharing Website

6 Big Things to Know

  1. The policy focuses on maximizing sharing whenever possible.
  2. Ethical, legal, and technical factors need thorough explanation.
  3. Data management and sharing plans are required for submission with the initial proposal.
  4. Institutes and Centers (ICOs) may have additional requirements.
  5. The policy recommends using established research data repositories to share and preserve data.
  6. Budget requests can include costs for data management and sharing activities.