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Veterinary Specialty Boards Reading Lists

Veterinary Specialty Boards Reading List

American College of Zoological Medicine (ACZM) Reading List

This is only a convenience copy of the ACZM reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACZM reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACZM reading list.

This guide contains the list of books and journals recommended as study materials for the American College of Zoological Medicine (ACZM) examination.

Residents are responsible for ensuring they are using the correct edition of a book for their exam.

Please ask your librarian, mentor, or specialty board examination committee if questions arise.

"The following list is provided to help guide veterinarians planning to study for the ACZM boards. It is not a comprehensive listing of all available material, but rather a guide to facilitate finding information in areas where the candidate does not have extensive experience. Examination questions will be taken primarily from the listed reading materials as noted, however some questions may come from sources not listed. Examination questions based upon journal articles will emphasize current literature of the last five years, although older references may also be included. It is recommended that candidates work with their mentor to prioritize study material within the references suggested."

Source:  ACZM Suggested Reading List.

This resource updated: 07/20/2017

Source reading list reviewed: 07/19/2017

Source reading list updated by specialty board: 1/2017

This is only a convenience copy of the ACZM reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACZM reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACZM reading list.

Core Reading Material

"May be used for Day 1 and Day 2 exam material for many disciplines, including Zoological Companion Animals."

Core Journals

The links below take you to the resources at the publishers' websites, which might prompt you for payment.  Your library might be able to provide these resources at comparatively lower or no cost to you. Tools like Unpaywall may also allow you to freely and legally access some of the articles you’re interested in.  Open access journals in which all articles are freely available are marked with .

Excluding short communications and letters

Including AVMA guidelines

Core Textbooks/Manuals


This is only a convenience copy of the ACZM reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACZM reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACZM reading list.

Additional Reading Materials

In addition to Day 1 core reading materials.


The links below take you to the resources at the publishers' websites, which might prompt you for payment.  Your library might be able to provide these resources at comparatively lower or no cost to you. Tools like Unpaywall may also allow you to freely and legally access some of the articles you’re interested in.  Open access journals in which all articles are freely available are marked with .

Zoological companion animals.
