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EDCI 63800 - Spring 2022 Doctoral Seminar

This guide provides resources for completing assignments for EDCI 63800

Final Assignment

Write a short (1-3 page) reflection essay based on a “mentor article” that directly informs your approach to some aspect of your research, writing, or scholarly identity.  For example, find a mentor article that...

  • Is structured the way your own work could be written up organizationally 
  • Uses a particular theory and analysis procedures that you want to apply to your own work
  • Uses a writerly voice you'd like to emulate
  • Has a positionality statement you can model your own after
  • Offers a set of research questions that reflect a way you can write your own
  • Describes a data collection tool or set of procedures that can be adapted to your own project
  • OR, find a mentor article that meets another need for mentorship you have: you decide.  The article may be one you have previously used in your annotated bibilography discussion posts. 

In your essay:

Provide the article citation, brief annotated bibliography information about its contents and what specific part(s) of the article provides a model of your own work.

Include a paragraph actually emulating the mentor article's features you're seeking to mirror/learn from, with your own work.

You are welcome to turn this in earlier than this deadline!

Some Strategies for Finding a Mentor Article

There are many ways you might find a mentor article, but here are some strategies to try.

1. Use People Sources

Ask your advisor or another professor who is familiar with the area in which you're working to recommend an article that would be helpful in developing your work. Share your interests with the person you ask to provide some context.

2. Use Published Bibliographies

Published bibliographies, such as Oxford Bibliographies for Education (requires login with Purdue Career Account) are great starting points when researching a new topic. This resource provides nearly 300 annotated bibliographies that give overviews of major areas of educational research, that are followed with brief descriptions of relevant articles by notable scholars in the field. 

3. Strategically Browse Journal Issues

Browse scholarly journals strategically. Many journals have specific focuses, either with regards to the research area or methodological approach. A journal's website will provide helpful information about that particular journal. Look at the journal's "Aims and Scope" or "Author Guidelines." Ask your advisor for advice about the journals that could be relevant to your research area(s).

A mentor article selected from a journal can also be used for guidance when preparing a manuscript to submit to that very journal. Below are some examples of journals that distinguish themselves in aim and scope by area or the research methodologies they feature.

5. Use Reference Works--such as Encyclopedias or Handbooks--and their Bibliographies

Specialized reference works dedicated to the field of educational research contain brief articles that give an overview or introduction to a topic. These articles are usually written by scholars working in the relevant area. Scholars will often use sources that are commonly cited or referenced, which are cited in the bibliographies. These bibliographies can lead to articles you can use to shape your own research.

6. Strategically Search Education-Specific Literature Databases

Use a combination of keyword searching, subject searching, and citation searching to find articles relevant to your research interests. For more detailed guidance, please see the Literature Search Strategies tab on this Library Guide. Key databases to use: