As of January 1st, 2020, Kanopy titles are for instructional purposes only. Previously licensed titles will be available for streaming until their licenses expire, at which point approval will be required* for renewals. New titles will be made available for courses or learning opportunities on an individual basis by instructor request.
*The Criterion, PBS, and Media Education Foundation collections will remain unmediated in their entirety (and thus available to all Purdue users without needing to request that they be made available for specific courses).
I’m an instructor who wants to show a Kanopy streaming video title in one of my classes. Will it be available after Purdue switches to “mediated” mode?
Yes. We realize that one of the benefits of Kanopy is its accessibility. Unfortunately, the cost has become prohibitive, and as of January 1st 2020, Purdue University Libraries (West Lafayette campus) no longer provides unmediated access to the entire Kanopy catalog of 50,000+ videos. We are not eliminating any Kanopy videos, we are simply requiring that instructors request videos to be licensed prior to when they are needed for a course. Once a title has been licensed, access to it will remain open on the Kanopy website for twelve months from the date of activation. We will extend or re-license titles for class use when requested by instructors.
There are two ways to request Kanopy video licensing for class use: via the Kanopy website or directly via the account.
If I request access to a video on Kanopy, will my students be able to view it on their own computers?
Yes. Purdue students can view licensed Kanopy videos through the Purdue West Lafayette Campus Kanopy website.
You may also find it useful to embed licensed Kanopy videos into Brightspace so that students may watch videos directly from your course page. Instructions are posted later in this Libguide.
Does the Library have movies available for streaming?
Yes, with restrictions. The largest platform, Kanopy, is restricted to educational use only. Instructors may request access to titles for their courses via the Kanopy platform or directly via the account.
Unfortunately, due to costs, we do not offer unlimited Kanopy viewing to students. If you are a student who needs access to a Kanopy title for a course, contact your instructor and ask him/her to send in a request on behalf of your class.
All requests for Kanopy titles must be made a minimum of one week in advance. West Lafayette instructors are encouraged to check on the availability of titles for their courses before every semester, as some licenses may have expired in the interim.
Recommended for instructors who need a single title or prefer to browse/navigate the platform.
Recommended for instructors who wish to request multiple titles for a course syllabus at one time.
Send an email directly to In your message, please include the following:
Each video from Kanopy has an embed code.
This step is optional, but by creating a module in Brightspace for Kanopy you provide students with an easy place to find their videos and any associated support documents.
Brightspace allows faculty to create a text description at the top of every module. This can be a great place to lay out links, videos, or directions that you want students to follow each week or unit. You are able to embed Kanopy videos inside this box as well as an item in a module.
Instructions: Playlist and Clip Creation Tool