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LSEG Workspace

An overview of LSEG London Stock Exchange Group products at Purdue

LSEG Datastream

  • You first need an LSEG Workspace account - if you do not, register with a Purdue West Lafayette email address.
  • Email to request LSEG Datastream access.
  • Library staff will contact you via email when extra permissions have been added to your LSEG account.
  • When you have been granted permissions, you can search or browse Datastream datasets:
    • Via LSEG web access:
      • In the main search box, type Datastream Chart Studio or DSCHART.
      • Hover over the arrow next to any data series name.
      • Select "Find New Series" from the pop-up menu; this takes you to Datastream Navigator.
      • Within Datastream Navigator, enter your search terms or begin to browse by data category.
    • Via LSEG Workspace for desktop and its accompanying Excel Add-In:
      • The Excel Add-In appears as a "Workspace" within the Excel ribbon after installation of LSEG Workspace for desktop.
      • Select the "Datastream Formula" button to search and browse datasets.

Please note that the number of Datastream licenses is limited and may only be granted to faculty, graduate students, and those working directly with faculty on research projects. Licenses may be removed at any time due to inactivity..

Download and Other Limits

  • When using the Excel Add-In:
    • 30,000 values per download request.
    • 2,000 values per download request are suggested for historical data instrument codes. An instrument code is a unique LSEG identifier that designates, for example, a specific 10-year bond, an equity, etc.
  • All LSEG Datastream variables are visible, including ones not sold to colleges and universities.
    • If you obtain a cryptic error message indicating no available data, that's likely the case. 
    • Email if you have questions about the availability of a data variable.
    • Please be as specific as possible about your data needs (e.g. SPX intraday data, 1-minute frequency, January 1, 2023-January 1, 2024 .... saves us all time instead of asking about recent S&P 500 intraday trading.