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ENTR Certificate: Company Research

Leverage Research Assets

Key Takeaways

  • It is much easier to find information about public companies -- listed on stock exchanges -- than private companies. 
  • There are three main types of resources to find company information:
    • Company information databases - see below for powerful basics, or the very bottom for a link to pro tips.
    • Business news and articles provide key contexts about companies, their competitors, markets, and more -- see below.
    • Company websites and their official social media are generally useful but beware of spin.

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Neal Baker

Get Started - Public Companies

Get Started - Private Companies

Get Started - Basic Address Information

The resources below provide basic address information for companies. They are often used to screen (filter) for lists of companies by criteria like location, industry, number of employees, sales volume, and more.

Get Started - Business News and Artciles

Next Steps - Company Research Pro Tips

A list of company research pro tips is available outside of this tutorial via the Purdue Parrish Library of Management and Economics website.