Disciplines listed alphabetically with subjects - includes pronunciations
Anesthesiology (an-es-thEs'-E-al-a-jE)-medical specialty dealing with relief of pain and administration of medicine to relax muscles and render patient unconscious during medical procedures.
Angiology (an-jE-'äl-a-jE)-study of blood vessels and lymph vessels
Bacteriology (bak-"tir-E-'äl-a-jE)-scientific study of bacteria
Biology (bI-'äl-a-jE) - science of living organisms and vital processes
Cardiology (kärd-E-'äl-a-jE)-medical specialty dealing with the heart, its anatomy, normal functions and disorders
Cytology (sI-'täl-a-jE)-science of the structure, function, multiplication, pathology and life history of cells
Cytopathology (sI-'to-pa-'thäl-a-jE)-study of changes at the cellular level caused by disease; cellular pathology
Dermatology (der-ma-'täl-a-jE)-medical specialty concerning the characteristics - anatomic, physiologic and pathologic - and functions of skin; also, the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders
Embryology (em-brE-'al-a-jE)-study of development during the embryonic stage, fertilization to birth
Endocrinology (en-d0-kri-`näl-a-jE)-study of anatomic, physiologic, and pathologic characteristics of the endocrine system of glands; diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders
Enzymology (en-zI-'mäl-a-jE)-study of enzymes and enzymatic action
Epidemiology (ep-i-dE-mE-a-'läj-E)-science concerned with incidence and risk of disease & injury in populations for the purpose of control or prevention
Ethology (E-'thäl-a-jE)-scientific study of animal behavior, particularly in their native habitat
Etiology (Et-E-'äl-a-jE )-study or theory of the causes and origins of diseases
Gastroenterology (ga-strO-ent-a-'räl-a-jE)-study of diseases affecting the GI tract including stomach, intestines, gall bladder and bile duct
Gerontology (ger-on-`tal-O-jE)-study of all aspects of the aging process and associated problems
Gynecology (gIn-a-'käl-a-jE)-study of diseases of female reproductive tract
Helminthology (hel-min-'thäl-a-jE)-scientific study of parasitic worms
Hematology (hE-ma-'täl-a-jE)-medical science of blood and blood-forming tissues
Herpetology (her-pE-'täl-a-jE)-branch of zoology specializing in reptiles and amphibians
Histology (his-'täl-a-jE)-branch of anatomy dealing with the minute structure, composition and function of tissues
Immunology (im-mU-'näl-a-jE)-branch of medical science studying phenomena of the body's immune system
Microbiology (mI-krO-bI-'äl-a-jE)-science of microscopic forms of life including algae, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses
Morphology (mor-'fäl-a-jE)-science of the forms and structures of organisms; physical shape and size of a specimen, plant or animal
Nephrology (ni-'fräl-a-jE)-study of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the kidney
Neurology (nU-'ral-a-jE) branch of medical science dealing with the nervous system, including the brain & its disorders
Odontology (O-dän-'täl-a-jE)-science of the teeth and surrounding structures of the oral cavity
Oncology (än-'käl-a-jE)-medical science pertaining to tumors and malignancies
Ophthalmology (op-thal-'mäl-a-jE)-medical science dealing with anatomy, physiology and pathology of the eye
Osteology (äs-tE-'äl-a-jE)-branch of medicine dealing with development and diseases of bone tissue
Otolaryngology (ah-tO-lar-an-`ga-lä-jE)-study of the medical and surgical treatment of the head and neck, including ears, nose and throat
Otology (ah-`tol-a-jE)-branch of medical science dealing with the treatment of diseases and disorders of the ear
Parasitology (par-a-sa-'täl-a-jE)-scientific study of parasites
Pathology (pa-`thal-a-jE)-study of the characteristics, causes and effects of disease, especially the structural and functional changes produced by it
Pharmacology (fär-ma-'kal-a-jE)-science of drugs and their action on the body
Physiology (fiz-E-'äl-a-jE)-field of science concerning the functions and characteristics of humans and other living organisms
Physiopathology (fiz-E-O-pa-'thäl-a-jE)-study of functions in disease, or as modified by disease
Radiology (rA-dE-`al-a-jE)-medical science dealing with radiant energy and radioactive substances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
Rheumatology (rü-ma-'täl-a-jE)-study of disorders characterized by inflammation, degeneration or metabolic derangement of connective tissue and related structures of the body.
Theriogenology (thir-E-O-ja-'näl-a-jE)-branch of veterinary medicine dealing with reproduction in animals
Toxicology (toks-a-'käl-a-jE)-scientific study of poisons, their actions, detection and treatment of conditions produced by them
Urology (ur-äl-a-jE)-medical specialty concerning with the anatomy, physiology, disorders and care of the urinary tract in both men and women, and of the male genital organs
Virology (vI-'räl-a-jE)-branch of microbiology concerned with viruses and viral diseases
Zoology (zO-'äl-a-jE)-the biology of animals, other than humans
Note: pronunciations from MEDLINEplus access to Merriam -Webster Medical Dictionary. U.S. National Library of Health and National Institutes of Health. Site viewed on 8/4/2003.
Subjects listed alphabetically with disciplines.
Subject | Discipline |
Aging, process and associated problems | Gerontology |
Animals | |
Biology of |
Zoology |
reproduction in |
Theriogenology |
behavior of |
Ethology |
Inflammatory diseases, arthritis & connective tissue disorders | Rheumatology |
Bacteria | Bacteriology |
Bile duct, see Gastrointestinal tract | |
Blood | |
and blood-forming tissues |
Hematology |
vessels and lymph vessels |
Angiology |
Bones, development & diseases of | Osteology |
Cells - changes in, caused by disease | Cytopathology |
structure, function, multiplication, pathology and life history | Cytology |
Disease | |
incidence and risk |
Epidemiology |
causes and origins |
Etiology |
essential nature & effects |
Pathology |
Drugs, action on the body | Pharmacology |
Ears | Otology |
Embryos, development of from fertilization to birth | Embryology |
Endocrine system - glands & hormones | Endocrinology |
Enzymes and their action | Enzymology |
Eyes | Ophthalmology |
Gall bladder, see Gastrointestinal tract | |
Gastrointestinal tract, stomach, intestines, gall bladder, bile duct | Gastroenterology |
Genital organs, male | Urology |
Head & neck region including ears, nose and throat | Otolaryngology |
Heart - anatomy, normal functions & disorders | Cardiology |
Hormones, see Endocrine system | |
Immune system | Immunology |
Intestines, see Gastrointestinal tract | |
Kidneys, study of | Nephrology |
Nervous system, including the brain | Neurology |
Organisms, living - | |
forms & structures |
Morphology |
functions & characteristics |
Physiology |
vital processes |
Biology |
microscopic |
Microbiology |
Pain, relief of during illness or medical procedures | Anesthesiology |
Parasites | Parasitology |
Parasitic worms | Helminthology |
Poisons | Toxicology |
Radiant energy, see Radioactive substances | |
Radioactive substances in diagnosis & treatment of disease | Radiology |
Reproductive system, female | Gynecology |
Skin - characteristics - anatomic, physiologic and pathologic; diagnosis & treatment of disorders | Dermatology |
Stomach, see Gastrointestinal tract | |
Teeth, including surrounding tissues of the oral cavity | Odontology |
Tissues, structure, composition, function | Histology |
Tumors, including malignancies | Oncology |
Urinary tract, male & female | Urology |
Viruses and viral diseases | Virology |