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Off Campus Access to eResources

This guide discusses accessing eresources from outside the campus ip ranges.

EZ Proxy via Bookmarklet


This Purdue Libraries Bookmarklet allows direct access to Libraries resources without going through the Libraries website which is normally required to ensure access is provided through our EZproxy server.

You can install the bookmarklet based on the instructions found on the Purdue Libraries Bookmarklet instruction page.

Once installed you will be able to click on the bookmarklet when you have arrived at an eResource page from off campus without using any of the methods mentioned in the other tabs.  After clicking the link, the page you are currently on will then be re-loaded through the proxy server and you will have access to the resource as if you were on campus.   

Browser Extension

You may also be interested in checking out the Libkey Nomad browser extension. Nomad is a browser extension that simplifies and streamlines access to the Purdue Library's subscription resources.