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Psychological Sciences: Major Research Sources

This guide includes books, journals, databases, and reference sources in the psychological sciences discipline.

Finding Books

Searching Books & Media

To find books available from the Purdue Libraries, visit the Purdue Libraries home page.

Select "Books & Media" from the drop down.

Library Search drop-down menu with arrow pointing to "Books & Media" option

Search Tips

  • If you would like more search options such as pull-down menus, click on the "Advanced Search" link located under the "Search" button.
  • If you are looking for books, make sure that the "Search Scope" menu is set to "Books, Media..."
  • After searching, results may be sorted by using options on the left border of the page.

Once you have results for your search, select "Find in Print" or "Find Online."  "Find in Print" will display physical location and call number so that you can retrieve the book. Most of the Psychology books are housed in the Humanities, Social Science and Education Library (HSSE) in Stewart Center.  E-books are available in full text using the "Find Online" option.

Finding Specific Journals

Searching for Journals

To find a specific electronic journal, click on the Online Journals link from the Purdue Libraries home page and type in the title of the journal.

arrow pointing to the online journals link on the Libraries homepage

Search Tips

  • To find the print version of a journal, use the "Books and Media" tab on the main Libraries webpage, search for the title of the journal, and then, if necessary, use the left-margin "Refine my Results" options to view only the items that are journals.

Any journal article that we do not have in print or electronic format may be requested through ILL (Interlibrary Loan).

CogNet (MIT) : E-Books and More