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OpenAthens and Connecting to Libraries Electronic Resources

Creating Custom OpenAthens Links for Exception Resources

It is recommended to use the built in permanent link generator for the following Database/Vendor platforms:

  • Gale
  • Kanopy
  • O'Reilly Safari
  • ProQuest and ProQuest Ebook Central

Please see examples below from some of these databases. Each database is set up a bit differently, so look for an internal option to link or share. These functions will generate a link that you can use. The screenshots below are offered as a sample. Note: You cannot copy and paste the URL at the top of your browser from any of these resources, as it is not persistent and will not initiate the Purdue Login.

EBSCO Example

Screenshot of permalink location on EBSCO database page

Gale Example

Kanopy Example

Screenshot of Kanopy film showing share tab and permalink.

O'Reilly Online Learning Example

You can link directly to content in the O'Reilly Online Learning (formerly Safari) database to make it accessible to anyone with a Purdue Career Account. In order to do this, copy the URL from the O'Reilly book or resource you want to link to and change the first part to include If the URL contains "?sso_link=yes&sso_link_from=purdue-edu" do not copy that part. See screenshot below.

For example: the book below has the original URL of

Adding the O'Reilly prefix to the URL before "/library" creates the following: Use this new URL as the permalink to your book/resource.

ProQuest EBook Example

Screenshot of permalink location in ProQuest Ebook Central