A top resource for company financials/valuations. Includes information on equities, credit ratings, competitors, transactions, and more. Explore pricing across markets including indices, commodities, and more. Use hundreds of data points to generate lists of companies, markets, or executives. Includes an optional Excel plug-in.
Note: This resource requires you to create a user account.
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) was developed by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for data management and research. Provides single-point access to over 350 terabytes of data across multiple disciplines, including Finance, Marketing, and Economics.
Purdue's WRDS instance includes access to the following databases and datasets: Bank Regulatory BoardEx Academic Research Data; CBOE Indexes; Compustat Capital IQ; Contributed Data; CRSP; DMEF Academic Data; Dow Jones ; FactSet; FAMA French & Liquidity Factors; IBES; IRI; Macro Finance Society; MFLINKS; MSRB; Nastraq; OTC Markets; Penn World Tables; Peters & Taylor Total Q; PHLX; Research Quotient; SAS Visual Analytics; SEC Order Execution; TAQ; Thomoson Reuters; TRACE; Zacks
*Undergraduate access may be approved on a case by case basis, but cannot be guaranteed.
Note: This resource requires you to create a user account