Phone: (765) 494-0831
Physical Address
Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC)
340 Centennial Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Mailing Address
Purdue University Libraries - LOES
504 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2058
BrowZine is an app for Apple or Android smart phones and devices that helps you flip through the scholarly e-journals available through Purdue University Libraries. Browzine has sorted Purdue's e-journals into broad subjects and then into narrower disciplines. You can save and organize your most-used e-journals on virtual bookshelves saved to your account. The result is an easy and familiar way to browse through, read, and monitor scholarly e-journals across disciplines.
Use the guide linked below to learn how to start using BrowZine!