Westlawfor Law Students
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Directory Location: All Databases > International/Worldwide Materials > European Union
Includes EU treaties, regulations, directives, preparatory acts, parliamentary questions, cases, the Common Market Law Reports (C.M.L.R.)(1962- ), the Legal Journals Index (LJI), and the following: Bulletin of the European Union (EUBULLETIN); EU Focus (EUF); European Competition Law Review (ECLR); European Intellectual Property Review (EIPR); European Law Review (EURLR).
Also, the EU-CS database includes:
“Full-text decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Court of First Instance of the European Communities, as well as the text of advocate-general opinions, court orders, and judgments, as reported by the Office for Official Publications for the European Communities and included in European Court Reports. Also includes judgments and orders of the Court of Justice covered by the Official Journal of the European Community, C Series. Coverage begins with 1954 for the Court of Justice of the European Communities; 1989 for the Court of First Instance of the European Communities; and 1985 for the C Series of the Official Journal.”