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PPI Statewide

A guide to resources available from the Purdue WL campus for PPI Statewide students.

Literature Review Help Sites

Introduction to writing a literature review: 

How to Write a Literature Review, by Jim Ollhoff
This page is approximately 1/3 of an essay on the topic of writing a literature review. The full essay can be purchased from Amazon in the Kindle format for $2.99. Kindle software is available for smartphones, computers, and tables, so it it not necessary to have a Kindle device to read the document.

Quick guides to what goes into a literature review from libraries or writing centers at different universities:

Writing and APA style help

The Writing Lab and the Online Writing Lab are excellent resources to assist all students. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) has APA format information, both for document formatting and reference formatting.

Purdue Global offers a comprehensive guide on the differences between quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Included are suggested signal phrases for quoting. Additionally, directions for proper citation for a variety of sources, such as electronic sources and graphics are included. Further reading materials are offered.