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EAPS 301: Oil!

Term Paper Resources for EAPS 301

Evaluating Print and Web Resources

Print sources include information that enables the user to find it again, including author, title, date of publication, page numbers. Frequently, web based, non- subscription resources do not include the same information, which makes it much more difficult to cite in term papers. See Purdue Online Writing Lab's module on Evaluating Sources for more information. 

Keep a Bibliographic Trail

  • Collect author, title, date, publication information, standard numbers, web addresses, call numbers
    • Be able to find the source again and allows others to find the resources as well.
    • Variety of tools available to assist creating a bibliographic tool.
      • EndNote
      • EndNoteWeb -  Great if you primarily use Web of Science. 
      • Zotero - Better for collecting Internet, non-subscription resources. 
      • Mendeley - Better for collecting Internet, non-subscription resources. 
  • For web resources, print them immediately, write the full web address down, and make note of how you found it. Web pages change constantly!

Signing up for EndNote Web

You must sign up within Purdue's IP range (on campus). Once you have signed up, you will need to login to EndNoteWeb from campus once every six months to keep your profile active.