If you need assistance determining whether the library has access to a specific standard, please call the Library of Engineering & Science Reference Desk at (765) 494-0831. You may also use the Libraries' Ask-A-Librarian service.
Specific standards not owned by Purdue may be requested via the Library of Engineering & Science Purchase Request
Consider synonym - e.g. "life jacket" could be referred to as a "life preserver" or "personal flotation device"
To view all of the results in a database on a topic, not just those with full text access, de-select "my subscription" options
Focus your search by first identifying a Standards Issuing Body that is likely to create standards for your area of interest (e.g. Search for ASTM standards if you are looking for "testing" standards, search SAE standards if your topic has automotive or aerospace applications, etc.)
Use parentheses to search key terms as a phrase, rather than independent keywords (e.g. "life preserver" instead life preserver).
Need standards not listed above?
Searching for Specific Standards
Frequently used standards databases at Purdue University:
ASCE Research Library is a comprehensive online tool for locating articles and conference papers published by the American Society of Civil Engineers in all disciplines of civil engineering. It provides access to more than 33,000 full-text papers from Journals (1993 - present), Proceedings (1996 - present), and Standards (1983 - present).
Engineering Workbench indexes national and international standards. Purdue Libraries' access features online full-text standards from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and selected single standards from other standards developing organizations. Titles included in the My Subscription filter are available full-text. ICAO standards include access to redline versions.
NOTE: Some pdfs are secured documents protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management). These documents require a third party software (Plug-in) to be downloaded for viewing. The plugin will remain in your machine unless you reformat your machine or remove it. If you remove it, you will need to reinstall it again for the document to be viewed. To download Plug-in: http://plugin.fileopen.com
NOTE: ASTM standards are no longer available through this platform. See the database ASTM Compass for ASTM standards access.
NOTE: AASHTO, selected ACI, selected BS, ANS, ASHRAE, selected ASME, AHAM, ICC, selected ISO, and NFPA standards are now available to Purdue users through TechStreet Enterprise. See Techstreet Enterprise entry for access information.
OUTAGE: Purdue University Libraries has received reports as of 9/17/24 about its subscription to the TechStreet database being inaccessible and this issue has been reported to the vendor.
Provides access to one of the world's largest collections of industry codes and standards, plus web-based workflow tools. The Purdue Libraries subscription currently includes the following collections:
ACI (ACI 318, others available upon request)
ASME (including BPVC)
BSI (selected)
ISO (selected)
NFPA (Fire)
NOTE: Some pdf documents are secured and protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management). These documents require a third party software (Plug-in) to be downloaded for viewing documents. The plugin will remain in your machine unless you reformat your machine or remove it. If you remove it, you will need to reinstall it again for the document to be viewed. To download Plug-in: http://plugin.fileopen.com
Search for individual standards available for checkout in the Purdue Engineering Library. Single standards from many different Standards Developing Organizations are available (ISO, BS, etc). However this is not a complete collection of standards from any particular Standards Issuing Body.
Engineering Workbench indexes national and international standards. Purdue Libraries' access features online full-text standards from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and selected single standards from other standards developing organizations. Titles included in the My Subscription filter are available full-text. ICAO standards include access to redline versions.
NOTE: Some pdfs are secured documents protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management). These documents require a third party software (Plug-in) to be downloaded for viewing. The plugin will remain in your machine unless you reformat your machine or remove it. If you remove it, you will need to reinstall it again for the document to be viewed. To download Plug-in: http://plugin.fileopen.com
NOTE: ASTM standards are no longer available through this platform. See the database ASTM Compass for ASTM standards access.
NOTE: AASHTO, selected ACI, selected BS, ANS, ASHRAE, selected ASME, AHAM, ICC, selected ISO, and NFPA standards are now available to Purdue users through TechStreet Enterprise. See Techstreet Enterprise entry for access information.
OUTAGE: Purdue University Libraries has received reports as of 9/17/24 about its subscription to the TechStreet database being inaccessible and this issue has been reported to the vendor.
Provides access to one of the world's largest collections of industry codes and standards, plus web-based workflow tools. The Purdue Libraries subscription currently includes the following collections:
ACI (ACI 318, others available upon request)
ASME (including BPVC)
BSI (selected)
ISO (selected)
NFPA (Fire)
NOTE: Some pdf documents are secured and protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management). These documents require a third party software (Plug-in) to be downloaded for viewing documents. The plugin will remain in your machine unless you reformat your machine or remove it. If you remove it, you will need to reinstall it again for the document to be viewed. To download Plug-in: http://plugin.fileopen.com
Tip to improve your results:
Consider synonyms - e.g. "life jacket" could be referred to as a "life preserver" or "personal flotation device"
Tp view all of the results in a database on a topic, not just those with full text access, de-select "my subscription" options
Focus your search by first identifying a Standards Issuing Body that is likely to create standards for your area of interest (e.g. Search for ASTM standards if you are looking for "testing" standards, search SAE standards if your topic has automotive or aerospace applications, etc).
Use parentheses to search key terms as a phrase, rather than independent keywords (e.g. "life preserver" instead of life preserver)
Step 2: Use the resources in the "Searching for a Specific Standard" box to search for the full text of your standard(s)