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Storage Guide/Reusable Content Library

A storage guide that contains content that can be reused on other guides to maintain consistency across Purdue Libraries public LibGuides collection.

Requesting Physical (Print) Materials

Most print materials can be requested to be placed on hold for a specific patron. "On hold" simply means that the material is set aside, usually at the front desk of a selected library, for a short period of time until the requestor can check it out. It can be a good way to ensure that the materials you're interested will be available for you to check out when you go to look for them and saves time since you don't have to browse the shelves yourself. 

To request an item, you'll need to click on the "Physical Available at..." link from the catalog listing.

catalog listing with arrow pointing to the physical available at link needed to request material

Note: If you don't see this link, it's likely the item is not available to be placed on hold. 

The following screen will show you the item location and whether or not the item is loanable, or available for check out.

To access the request options, you'll need to click on the Sign in link and sign in using your Purdue Career account login information.

catalog listing with a square around the location information and an arrow pointing to the sign in link


Once signed in, you'll be be able to view request options. To submit a hold request, click on the Request link. 

catalog listing with an arrow pointing to the request link

Fill out the request form by choosing a pickup location, then click on the Send Request link to submit your request. Be sure to enter the correct mailing address when choosing Personal Delivery.

request form with required field circled, annotation for the address field, and an arrow pointing to the submission link

Once the request has been filled, you'll receive an email that the item(s) you requested are available for pickup or being prepared for shipment based on the selection you made.

successful material request message

Link Asset to Reuse

If you want to link to Interlibrary Loan on your guide, please use the asset below (ID 68947669).