Covers research in all aspects of agriculture and its related sciences. This link is to the US National Agricultural Library (NAL) SEARCH interface for AGRICOLA plus the PubAg database of USDA-authored research and more, Ag Data Commons open data, and NAL digital collections.
Fully searchable runs of 215 newspapers from 27 states and the District of Columbia from 1741-1922. Highlights of Series 6 include the Detroit Plaindealer; The Colored American, Detroit's first successful black newspaper; and the Arkansas Gazette, one of the first papers west of the Mississippi. Highlights of Series 7 include New Orleans' Times-Picayune, established in 1837, and The Oregonian, founded in 1850 in Portland and still the state's largest daily.
Index of literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. Covers over 2,000 journals published worldwide. Strong English-language journal coverage is balanced by an international perspective on topics and events, including abstracts in English of articles published in more than 40 languages.
Searchable, browseable research environment containing the publications and archives of the Royal Institute of International Affairs--approximately half a million pages and over 90 years of research, analysis and commentary. Includes subject-indexed briefing papers, special reports, pamphlets, conference papers and monographs. Users have access to the full-text of Chatham House's publications and audio recordings of Chatham House lectures and their fully searchable transcripts.
Digital archive collections of primary source materials for the understanding and research of the various aspects of China during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Topics include diplomacy/international relations, economy/trade, politics, Christianity, sinology, education, science and technology, imperialism, and globalization.
Important papers generated by the Foreign and Colonial Offices of the British Government. All items marked 'Confidential Print' were circulated to leading officials in the Foreign Office, to the Cabinet, and to heads of British missions abroad. This collection consists of the Confidential Print for the United States, Canada and the English-speaking Caribbean, with some coverage of Central and South America, and covers such topics as slavery, Prohibition, the First and Second World Wars, racial segregation, territorial disputes, the League of Nations, McCarthyism and the nuclear bomb. The bulk of the material covers the late nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century.
Contains British diplomatic correspondence, letters, reports, surveys, material from newspapers, statistical analyses, published pamphlets, ephemera, military papers, profiles of prominent individuals, maps and many other types of documents sourced from The National Archives, Kew, the official archive of the United Kingdom. Full-text search is available across all documents.
1919-1929: Kuomintang, CCP and the Third International
1930-1937: The Long March, civil war in China and the Manchurian Crisis
1938-1948: Open Door, Japanese war and the seeds of communist victory
1949-1956: The Communist Revolution
1957-1966: The Great Leap Forward
1967-1980: The Cultural Revolution
Contains British diplomatic correspondence, letters, reports, surveys, material from newspapers, statistical analyses, published pamphlets, ephemera, military papers, profiles of prominent individuals, maps and many other types of documents sourced from The National Archives, Kew, the official archive of the United Kingdom. Full-text search is available across all documents
Module I: 1971-1974: The 1973 Arab-Israeli War and the Oil Crisis
Module II: 1975-1978: The Lebanese Civil War and the Camp David Accords
Module III: 1979-1981: The Iranian Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War
Abstracts of selected journal articles, citations of books, book reviews and dissertations on the history of all parts of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to present.
Government agency which translates foreign language books, newspapers, journals, unclassified foreign documents and research reports. In its early years JPRS concentrated heavily on scientific and technical material from communist countries. Gradually coverage has broadened to include more non-scientific materials.
Explore multiple perspectives on the history of injury, treatment and disease on the front line. Chart scientific advances through hospital records, medical reports and first-hand accounts, and discover the evidence of how war shaped medical practice across the centuries.
This database provides access to approximately 500 U.S. newspapers, published between 1800 and 1900. Newspapers selected on their immediate value to researchers on the press and on the century in general. Papers selected cover a broad spectrum, with a comprehensive geographical and chronological range.
Since 1822, The Sunday Times has provided thoughtful analysis and commentary on the week's news and society at large. Murder, theatre, sport and politics - all collide in its pages in an abundance of glorious narrative detail. In more than 800,000 pages, The Sunday Times Digital Archive is a gateway to the greatest crimes, careers and culture of the last 180 years.
The full-text searchable digital archive of what was once the world’s largest selling newspaper. Contains over 1 million pages of the newspaper’s backfile, from its first issue to the end of 2000, including issues of the Sunday Telegraph from 1961.
Provides access to the complete digital edition of The Times (London) using keyword searching and hit-term highlighting to retrieve full facsimile images of either a specific article or a complete page. The entire newspaper is captured, with all articles, advertisements and illustrations/photos divided into categories to facilitate searching.
Provides citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international serials literature in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration / policy. The database is building on the merged backfiles of Political Science Abstracts, 1975-2000, and ABC POL SCI, 1984-2000. Thesaurus of over 3,000 terms used to index records also available.