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Purdue University Purdue Logo Purdue Libraries

Global Studies Senior Capstone Project

This guide provides support for students completing the Global Studies Senior Capstone Project

Campus Libraries

Purdue University Libraries (West Lafayette Campus) comprises several libraries that house collections by academic discipline, as well as library faculty subject specialists and staff that can assist you in finding library materials.

For a listing of other libraries on the West Lafayette campus and their hours, please visit the List of All Library Hours.

Library Subject Liaisons & Area Specialists

At Purdue Libraries, each academic program is assigned a Library Liaison to support the teaching and research of that program by connecting students and faculty in those programs with research materials and library instruction. For a listing of all Library Liaisons please visit the Libraries Faculty by Subject web page.

Purdue Libraries are also home to additional experts on conducting academic research.

Library Guides

Purdue Libraries faculty and staff create Library Guides that help library users navigate, find, and use library resources. These guides come in several forms.

Library Policies

For information about Purdue Library Policies, including information on Patron Responsibilities, Acceptable Uses of Electronic Resources, Loan Periods, and Fines & Fees, please visit the Library Policies web page and the Borrow and Renew web page.