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Aeronautics and Astronautics Resource Guide

A detailed listing of library resources for Aeronautics and Astronautics

Find Books from many publishers including AIAA

To search for books from all publishers, please check the Librariies' web site and select Books & Media to search for a specific title. Some may be available only in print while others are available in e-format.

Books from the major society publisher - AIAA are available from several sources including AIAA, Ebrary, and Knovel.  AIAA's e-books are not all available from AIAA. Some are available from multiple sources while others may be only in print. Check Books & Media to find a specific title.

In 2014, Purdue University Libaries acquired a significant collection of e-books from AIAA.  You may search keywords in the book chapters.  To see the list of titles, please select this link.

  • AIAA - (F) indicates that a title is available in full-text

Recommended Database Collections

Major Aerospace Books

Many books have links from Libraries Catalog or Databases. These are a few major titles:

Recommended Books

Here are some examples of e-books that are available: