scite is a citation database that indexes more than a million articles and has access to more than a billion citations.
To be indexed in scite, journals must be registered with Crossref or Datacite (two DOI registration agencies) and have functional DOIs and active ISSNs for indexing. scite has access to the full text of many of those articles from both open access sources and from publishers who have indexing agreements with them. scite is adding articles and citations each day, but not all publishers participate. scite also indexes other resource types with DOIs, such as preprints, government reports, etc.
Examples of participating publishers include Wiley, Sage, Cambridge University Press, American Chemical Society, and The Royal Society. Examples of data sources include OSF, PubMed, and Unpaywall.
scite citations are divided by AI into supporting, mentioning, and contrasting citations (i.e., "smart" citations)
scite also has a ChatGPT-like generative AI tool that lets you ask questions in plain language and get answers with references.
Citation Statements (sometimes known as citances or in-text citations) - sentences surrounding a citation or reference within a publication.
For example, the following is a citation statement from Determining Data Information Literacy Needs: A Study of Students and Research Faculty by Carlson et al (2011), citing Incorporating Data Literacy into Undergraduate Information Literacy Programs in the Social Sciences by Stephenson & Caravello (2007):
"Stephenson and Caravello extol the importance of data and statistical literacies as components of information literacy in the social sciences, arguing that the ability to evaluate information essentially requires that one understand the data and statistics used in an information resource."
scite Assistant - scite's ChatGPT-like generative AI tool that lets you ask questions in plain language and get answers with references.
Smart Citations - provide contextual information about cited articles, helping researchers understand whether the cited work supports or contradicts the current research.
Examples of supporting, contrasting, and mentioning citations, from scite: A smart citation index that displays the context of citations and classifies their intent using deep learning by Nicholson et al (2021):
Access via the link below.
Users are not required to sign up for a scite account to use the database with Purdue's institutional license. However, creating an individual account is the best way to make the most of the tool, giving users the ability to create a researcher profile, personalize a feed, save searches, create visualizations, set up a dashboard, connect to ORCID, performance reference checks, etc.
Once your account has been created, go to your profile. In the sidebar, you should see the option to "Claim Papers."
This will bring up a search for articles that Scite thinks might match your information. Simply select the ones that belong to you, and Scite will construct your profile with a list of your articles.
Once your profile is complete and all of your articles have been added, click on "My Metrics." This will give you compiled statistics about both your publications and publications that cite you.
Example of your publications
Example of articles that cite you:
scite is using rapidly developing new technology, and it is under active development. Some features and interfaces may change as the resource matures.