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What is a Library Research Guide?

Learn about Library Research Guides (sometimes referred to as "LibGuides") and how they can be helpful to you and your students!

About Research Guides

Research Guides are designed to guide users through a specific task, research project or assignment, or provide context specific resources. Our collection of guides includes the following guide types or sub-collections:

  • Course Guides - Created specifically for a course, often in collaboration with or at the request of faculty outside of Libraries.
  • Subject Guides - Serve as a starting point for research in a particular subject area or topic.
  • User & Tutorial Guides - Provide specific instructions on how to use a database, tool, or resource.
  • Workshop & Event Guides - Document content from some of our past workshops and events.

All guides are created by Libraries staff and faculty and are available for use to all students (and faculty) via the Libraries website

Finding the Research Guides Collection

To access our collection of Research Guides,

  • Visit our website at
  • Click on the Research Guides link located just below the search box.
  • From the next screen, you'll be able to select the type of guide you're looking for - Course, Subject, User/Tutorial, or Workshop/Event.

arrow pointing to the Research Guides link on the Libraries homepage