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Physics Ejournals

List of E-journals in Physics

Physics E-Journals

Use the highlighted links below to jump to a specific section. Can't Find a Title? Check the Libraries' Master List of all titles.

1-9 | A | B | C | D | E FGH | I | J | K LM | N | O | P | Q R | S | T | U - Z ]

NOTE: Please see Use Policy for electronic journals. Only authorized users (Purdue University Faculty, Staff, and Students) may access these journals.

Although the Purdue Libraries are committed to providing electronic access to its patrons, due to changes in policies by the vendors, we sometimes have to withdraw online access to some of our journals. Thus, we cannot guarantee that all titles appearing below will always be available electronically.

Since the Internet is a dynamic environment and one that we do not have local control of, please let us know if one of the following links does not go to the journal specified (for example, if the system prompts you for a password, or if the home page of the journal has changed). Access to all journals are limited by IP address. If you are using a non-Purdue computer, you should be able to link to these journals you may be asked for your Career Account information.
