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HTM 531: Hospitality and Tourism Marketing II

This guide contains information and resources helpful to students taking HTM 531.


Market Research


Citing Sources APA

Business Sources Examples Cited in APA 2007 Format

Journal, Magazine, and Newspaper Articles from Full-Text Electronic Databases (e.g., Business Source Premier, and newspapers such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal)

Article Format: Author's Last name, Initials. (year). Title of article. Name of journal/magazine, volume number(issue number), page number(s). Retrieved from Name of database.

Article Example: Heighes, M. L. (2002). Develop an effective e-commerce policy. Credit Union Magazine, 68 (3), 87-88. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.

Newspaper Format: Author. (year, month day). Title. Name of newspaper, page number(s). Retrieved from Name of database.
Newspaper Example:Paletta, D. (2007, May 9). Home Depot seeks a bank. Wall Street Journal, B3. Retrieved from ProQuest Newspapers database.

Journal and Newspaper articles (print )
Article Format: Author (Last name, Initials). (year). Title of article. Name of journal/ newspaper/magazine, (volume number)(issue number), page number(s).
Article Example: Abelle, B. E. (1975). CLU profile. CLU Journal, 29(1), 60-63.

Newspaper Article Format : Author. (year, month day). Title. Name of newspaper, page number(s).
Newspaper Article Example: Paletta, D. (2007, May 9). Home Depot seeks a bank. Wall Street Journal, p. B3.

Print Business Reference Sources
Lifestyle Market Analyst Format: Name of profile. (Year). Lifestyle Market Analyst (page no.). Wilmette, IL: Standard Rate & Data Service.
Lifestyle Market Analyst Example: Home workshop. (2006). Lifestyle Market Analyst (p. 839). Wilmette, IL: Standard Rate & Data Service.

Full-Text Reports from Databases
Choices 3 Format:Title of file. (year, season). Simmons Choices 3.
Choices 3 Example:Regular cola. (2004, Spring). Simmons Choices 3

Datamonitor Format: Datamonitor. (date). Name of Report. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.
Datamonitor Example: Datamonitor. (2007). Home Depot: Company profile. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.

Datastream Format: Author. (date of file). Name of file. Retrieved from Datastream Advance 4.0 database.
Datastream Example: Conference Board. (2007, April). Consumer confidence. Retrieved, from Datastream Advance 4.0 database.

Industry Market Research Format: Title of Report. (year, month day). Retrieved from Industry Market Research database.
Industry Market Research Example: 44211-Furniture Stores in the U. S. (2007, March 23). Retrieved from Industry Market Research database.

Morningstar Investment Research Center Format: Title of section. (date). Name of Company. Retrieved from Morningstar Research Center database.
Morningstar Investment Research Center Example: Key ratios. (2008). Eastman Kodak Company.
Retrieved from Morningstar Research Center database.
Morningstar Research Center database.

Mergent Online Format:Name of Company. (n.d.) Retrieved from Mergent database.
Mergent Example:Nike Inc. (n.d.) Retrieved from Mergent database.

World Wide Web Sources
Format: Author. (Date, if no date: n.d.). Title. Name of file. Date retrieved, from http://---------------------Example: U. S. Department of State. (2006). Background note: Argentina. Background Notes. Retrieved March 6, 2007, from: 26516.htm