Chemistry Lab Resources (for CHM 1XX and 2XX Labs)
Here you can find tips about organizing your lab notebook, how to effectively create graphs and table for lab reports, places to locate protocols and property information, and how to properly cite resources.
Videos for various techniques commonly used in a chemistry lab such as titration, filtration, using a pipet, refluxing a reaction, performing a reaction work-up, etc.
This Knovelized 2008 update makes 51 tables interactive in this important reference and offers chemists and chemical engineers detailed coverage of the full range of analytical methods, including all conventional wet and instrumental techniques.
Gives general information about common techniques and methods for purification of chemical reagents, as well as processes for the purification of specific organic, inorganic, organometallic, and biochemical compounds.
This book provides an introduction to the principles and practices of modern analytical chemistry for readers from all disciplines where a familiarity with analytical techniques is required.
Current Protocols Series13,000+ protocols (we have access to 11 out of 18 categories) Current Protocols in: Bioinformatics; Cell Biology; Cytometry; Food Analytical Chemistry; Immunology; Molecular Biology; Neuroscience; Nucleic Acid Chemistry; Pharmacology; Protein Science; Toxicology
It is possible to search one or more handbooks at a time. To search one handbook select it from the list under "Titles;" to search more than one, select a title and then, depressing the Ctrl key, select the others
Cold Spring Harbor ProtocolsCold Spring Harbor Protocols is an interactive source of several hundred reliable, new and classic research techniques in molecular and cellular biology.