The Purdue University Libraries subscribes to a wide variety of music journals including the ones listed below. A complete list of Music journals can be found by searching within e-Journals on the Libraries homepage
- Acta Musicologica
- Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education
- American Music
- The American Music Teacher
- BBC Music Magazine
- Billboard
- Black Music Research Journal
- The Black Perspective in Music
- Computer Music Journal
- Contemporary Music Review
- Current Musicology
- Early Music
- Early Music History
- Electronic Musician
- Empirical Musicology Review
- Folk Music Journal
- General Music Today
- Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies
- Journal of Music Teacher Education
- Journal of Music Theory
- Journal of Music Therapy
- The Journal of Musicological Research
- The Journal of Musicology
- Journal of New Music Research
- Journal of Popular Music Studies
- Journal of Research in Music Education
- Journal of the American Musicological Society
- Journal of the Royal Musical Association
- Music and Media
- Music & Anthropology
- Music & Copyright
- Music Education Research
- Music Education Technology
- Music Educators Journal
- Music & Letters
- Music Library Association
- Music Perception
- Music & Politics
- Music Theory Online
- Music Theory Spectrum
- Music Therapy Perspectives
- Music Therapy Today
- Music Week
- The Musical Quarterly
- Musical Times
- Perspectives of New Music
- Philosophy of Music Education Review
- Popular Music
- Popular Music and Society
- Popular Music History
- Popular Musicology Online
- Research and Issues in Music education
- Teaching Music
- Tempo
- Women & Music