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Purdue University Purdue Logo Purdue Libraries

CM 635: Advanced Facilities Management

Get started with Purdue Libraries and your research.

Searching for Books (tabbed content box)

To begin your search for books, 

  1. Visit the Libraries' website to access the online catalog.
  2. Select Books & Media from the drop-down menu.
  3. Use the search box to search by title or keyword.
  4. Click the Search button to run the search.

arrows showing to first select Books & Media from drop-down, then type into search box, then click search

From the results page, use the filters on the the left to tweak your results. For example, you can limit your search to show only materials Available Online.

book search results and filters

Searching for Books (standard content box)

To begin your search for books, 

  1. Visit the Libraries' website to access the online catalog.
  2. Select Books & Media from the drop-down menu.
  3. Use the search box to search by title or keyword.
  4. Click the Search button to run the search.

arrows showing to first select Books & Media from drop-down, then type into search box, then click search

From the results page, use the filters on the the left to tweak your results. For example, you can limit your search to show only materials Available Online.

book search results and filters