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What is Nexis Uni? Lexis Nexis Academic database was recently redesigned and renamed Nexis Uni.
What does Nexis Uni search? This database contains news, legal cases, law reviews, company information and many other business, law and news publications ~ from over 15,000 full-text sources. Content includes sources such as the New York Times, U.S. Supreme Court decisions, company profiles, and SEC filings.
Is Nexis Uni available from off campus? Yes, Purdue Library resources accessed from off campus will first prompt the user for their username and password before providing full access.
How do I search Nexis Uni? Tips on searching for news, business/company information and law resources are provided in the boxes below. Users may search across ALL Nexis Uni resources at once, or search in specific modules (news, cases, law reviews, company info or a specific publication).
What are the new features of Nexis Uni?
Nexis Uni offers broad searching across all content types (news, legal and company profiles) by using the top search entry.
The Advanced Search allows searching in specific fields, like headline, title, publication, date, and company name. Searching by document segment can be helpful in finding specific results. TIP: There are Advanced Search forms for numerous content categories, including news, company and financial, directories and legal content.
To search for company information (including SEC filings, company profiles, and analyst reports), select Company Info box and specific filter selections will be provided to help narrow the search.
Select the BUSINESS image from the main Nexis Uni search page, then select COMPANY DOSSIER (see below). See the labeled tabs for types of searches possible (Find a Company, Create a Company List, Compare Companies).
Find a Company allows keyword searching (also Ticker symbol). IMPORTANT: You may need to use the VIEW ALL button on the search results page to see all possible companies matching your keywords. The Company Dossier may include annual financials, executives, industry overview, news and legal information, and SEC filings.
Create a Company List allows attribute searching. e.g. Illinois companies w/500-1000 employees.
Compare (up to 5) Companies allows five comparisons by balance sheet, income statement and ratio information.
Finding Company Profiles (3:14 min) courtesy of Andersen Library, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Select the BUSINESS image from the main Nexis Uni search page, then select COMPANY DOSSIER (see below). See the labeled tabs for types of searches possible (Find an Industry and Browse an Industry Hierarchy). The Industry Dossier search results should include top companies and financials, most in downloadable Excel format.
NOTE: Nexis Uni does not allow searching by NAICS code. SIC codes, if unknown, may be located in the Business Source Premier database in a company or industry article or report.
To search news sources (including major newspapers, news blogs, and broadcast transcripts) select NEWS and search by full-text keyword. Date limiting also available.
To search legal cases (federal and state) and law reviews (articles in scholarly law journals), select the appropriate boxes and specific filters will appear to help narrow the search.
On Nexis Uni's home page, you can search for state or federal cases by entering search terms and a date limiter. For a search with greater specificity, click on "Advanced Search" and then on "Cases".
If you have a case citation, enter it in standard case citation format in the "Citation" search box. Do not omit punctuation from reporter abbreviations.
If you have one or more of the parties' names, or a case name, you can enter the name(s) in the "Party Name" box.
To search by topic, enter your keyword(s) in one or more of the "Terms" boxes. You can specify either that all of the terms, or that at least one of the terms, must appear in each document. You can also search for a phrase or specify terms that you do not want to appear in retrieved documents.
There are additional ways to search case fields and segments on Nexis Uni.
Using truncation, you can do one search for all the different words that begin with the same root. On Nexis Uni the exclamation point (!) placed at the end of the root will pull up all words that have that root. For example, a search for educat! would retrieve documents containing educate, educates, educated, educating,educator, educators, or education.
After you run your search, you have the option of sorting your results by relevance, title, jurisdiction, court, or date, i e., from the newest to the oldest, or, from the oldest to the newest. From your citation list, you can retrieve any of the cases by clicking on the name of the case at the beginning of the case citation.
When you have the full text of the case on the screen, you can jump forward and backward to each occurrence of your search terms or to additional terms you specify.
Using the icons at the top of the screen, you may print, e-mail, or download your results.