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AAS 271: Introduction to African American Studies: How We Get Free

Research guide for Araba Dennis' SP 2023 AAS 271 class

The best sources for your topic

EBSCO Databases

Online Reference Resources

Ever need to get reliable background information on a person, event, theory, or topic? Try searching one of Purdue Libraries' Online Reference Resources! These are scholarly sources, but many are not peer-reviewed. Most come from specialized subject encyclopedias. Unlike encyclopedias you may be familiar with that cover everything from Aardvark to Zoology, subject encyclopedias cover specific subject areas and are much more detailed about a given subject. 

As an example, in Credo Reference, you can find an entry on African Americans in Film and Theatre from the Encyclopedia of American Studies.

In Gale eBooks, there's an entry on the Black Panther Party from a 2 volume reference work titled Civil Rights Movements: Past and Present.

Select databases for this class