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Reference Guide for Pharmacy Students

Citation format based on AMA for College of Pharmacy students

Drug Databases

When you log into the Purdue University Libraries system to access these databases, the URL is specific to YOU at that moment; no one else would be able to use it and access the same information.  Use only the company or vendor URL as your reference.

Authors (if applicable). Name of monograph or document. Database name. Company (or vendor) maintaining the database. City, State Abbreviation. Accessed Month day, year. URL

UpToDate Lexidrug

Name of monograph, specific topic or chart. Specific database. UpToDate Lexidrug. UpToDate Inc. Riverwoods, IL. Accessed Month day, year.

Entanercept. Lexi-Drugs. UpToDate Lexidrug. UpToDate Inc. Riverwoods, IL.  Accessed August 24, 2016.

Drug Interactions

Pravachol - Tricor. Interactions. UpToDate Lexidrug. UpToDate Inc. Riverwoods, IL.  Accessed August 24, 2016.

NOTE:  Micromedex format differs slightly from Facts & Comparisons eAnswers and Lexicomp.

Title of monograph or document. Merative Micromedex. Merative. Ann Arbor, MI.  Accessed Month day, year.

Entanercept. Merative Micromedex. Merative. Ann Arbor, MI.  Accessed August 24, 2016.

Drug Interactions
Pravachol - Tricor. Drug Interactions. Merative Micromedex. Merative. Ann Arbor, MI. Accessed August 24, 2016.


Facts & Comparisons eAnswers

Name of monograph, specific topic or chart. Specific database. Facts and Comparisons. UpToDate Inc. Riverwoods, IL. Accessed Month day, year.

Atorvastatin.  Drug Facts and Comparisons. Facts and Comparisons. UpToDate Inc. Riverwoods, IL.    Accessed August 24, 2016.

Drug Interactions
Pravachol Oral - Tricor Oral.  Interactions. Facts and Comparisons. UpToDate Inc. Riverwoods, IL. Accessed August 24, 2016.